Sunday 23 October 2011

Ingredients In V 3 Diet Pill

WE HAVE FOUND AN AMAZING NEW DIET PILL, V 3 by Voyager Health Technologies
Help with Dieting
This country is in desperate need of our new all-natural diet pill V3. Everyone of us seems to desperately need
HELP sticking with a diet, no matter which diet we choose to be on - Weight Watchers, low carb, low fat, South
Beach, Jenny Craig, Atkins, Nutrisystems, etc. We all have the desire to lose weight, be more in control of what we
choose to eat, stop our cravings, feel happy, and have more energy, right? We are told by all health professionals
to "Eat Less... Move More!" To do this, and to lose weight, we bottom-line need HELP - now! Introducing V3 -
Voyager Health Technologies premier product! V3 is the perfect little pill that - the perfect tool - to make those
important life-style changes easily. V3 is an all-natural diet pill that addresses three important things that put you in
total control with your MOOD, ENERGY & APPETITE! You will feel happy, energized and in control for the first
time in years when taking V3, the ultimate secret weapon with weight control. A simple and fun solution to a major
challenge facing most Americans today. Eating less and moving more, along with portion control and smart food
choices is now easy with V3. You finally have help to achieve your weight loss goals.
There has been a huge void in the market place for the past eight years where there has not been a simple diet pill
that worked. The formulation of V3 is a safe and effective tool to assist you with weight loss and lifestyle changes,
without the usual jiitteriness associated with diet pills of the past. Timing is perfect.
Dieters Dilemma
V3 addresses the common dieters dilemma, the diet saboteurs, which are mood, energy and appetite. With V3, you
have a better way to lose weight and assist with making lifestyle changes. The guidelines from health
professionals, "eat less - move more" is finally possible with the help of V3. Whatever you are currently trying to do
to lose weight, V3 will help you achieve your fitness goals. V3 makes whatever you are doing more feasible and
possible to achieve. You no longer will feel out of control, grumpy or fatigued.
V3 Brightens the Mood V3 Boosts the Energy V3 Completely Slams the Appetite
Breakthrough Formula
Years of research from an amazing scientific team have produced this breakthrough formula that raises the bar on
weight management. Simply put, V3 works by combining the synergistic effects of V3's proprietary blend of
Vitamins, Minerals, Cocoa, natural Caffeine and Phenylethylamine, among other incredible ingredients. One or two
capsules should dial up your energy, and dial down your hunger switch!
Incredible Blend of Natural Compounds Vitamins, Minerals, Kelp, Coral, Oil of Geranium, Dark Cocoa Powder, and More Proprietary V3 Blend No More Dieters Grumpiness No More Sluggishness No More Hunger Pangs No More Cravings You Eat Less and Want to Move More V3 Gives You More Energy and Focus V3 Brightens Your Mood V3 Gives You Control Over Food V3 Helps to Increase Metabolism V3 is Safe, Fast and Effective No Jitters or Nervousness No Adverse Side Effects No Prescription Required See Label Below for Ingredients
Drinking water may be the most important piece to the weight loss puzzle. Water contains no calories, fat, or cholesterol and is low in sodium. It is nature's appetite suppressant, and it helps the body to metabolize fat.
Current research shows that low water intakes yield an increase in fat deposits. Conversely, high water intake
reduces the amount of fat deposits. Without enough water, the kidneys cannot function properly. As a result,
some of their workload is pushed off onto the liver, in turn preventing the liver from operating at peak levels. How
does all this tie into weight loss? Because metabolizing fat is a primary function of the liver, and because the liver
can't function at peak levels when taking on the added workload from the kidneys, less body fat is metabolized and
more is stored. This leads to either weight gain or reaching a plateau of weight loss. To increase your ability to
metabolize fat and lose weight, you should drink plenty of clean water to improve your kidney and liver functions.
Double-up should be your goal.
Kelp is a type of green seaweed that is called a "miracle plant" by some health advocates. This is because it is full
of natural occuring health benefits that make it a great food to add to any diet. Kelp is known to give the body
boosts of energy. This is because it helps to increase the metabolic processes in the body. Kelp is seen to
help reduce inflammation in joints and bones. This helps to especially alleviate pain in people suffering from
arthritis. Kelp is high in natural iodine. This helps to promote a healthy thyroid. Kelp contains lignans, which are
phytochemicals found in sea vegetables. Kelp is high in magnesium. This helps to promote better sleep in women
who are going through menopause. Kelp is one of nature's best natural healers that when consistently taken,
assists in the achievement of optimum health. Kelp is key to V3. In the development of V3, the amount of kelp
included in the formula was increased, positioning V3 at optimum effectiveness.
Dark, rich cocoa powder derives its health benefits from flavonoids which are plant pigments capable of acting as
antioxidants to counteract some of the cellular damage that can lead to many chronic diseases. Cocoa powder has
also been shown to help lower blood pressure and improve blood flow in humans. A cup of cocoa has almost three
times the antioxidants of a cup of green tea, another drink renowned for its health benefits. Have you ever
wondered why chocolate has an uplifting effect on mood? This is very likely due to its content of phenylethylamine
which has a mood elevating effect. This is very positive for those who are depressed, and struggle with focus.
Black cocoa powder combined with other synergistic compounds, helps with mood, energy and appetite. All
positive helps to assist you with sticking to a weight loss strategy and program of your choosing.
Many people become concerned and often confused when they hear about herbal-type products containing
caffeine. They are used to hearing how caffeine is bad for their health, and the caffeine they're usually talking
about is in fact unhealthy for them.
The caffeine in coffee and pharmaceutical drugs can be unhealthy, and addictive. However, the caffeine
naturally.contained in a number of herbs such as Yerba Mate, Guarana, Kola Nut, and Green Tea, to name a few,
is naturally occurring caffeine, also known as "bio-caffeine" and is non-addictive.
NOTE: 'bio' means "alive" or "living."
The caffeine doing the major damage today due to being insalubrious, is the caffeine produced by man
(pharmaceutical industry), the caffeine actually found in many drugs. This caffeine is synthetic and thus harmful,
and is addictive.
Many studies have shown that people who have regular doses of natural caffeine are 80% less likely to develop
Parkinson's. Other research has shown that natural caffeine can reduce the risk of colon and liver cancer by some
25%, slash the risk of skin cancer by some 40%, drop the risk of liver cirrhosis by 22%, and lower the risk of
gallstones by nearly half.
There's also some evidence that natural caffeine can help manage asthma and even control attacks when
medication is unavailable, stop a headache, boost mood, and even prevent cavities. And of course, natural
caffeine is widely used for its stimulating and alertness properties, as well as its ability to enhance athletic
Geranium essential oil has been used effectively to fight coughs, colds, acne, rashes, dandruff and cracked skin -
externally and internally. Geranium oil is also seen to be effective in a variety of gynecological diseases. It helps
regulate the exchange of fluids and blood circulation, reduces depression and anxiety states. It's often referred to
as the "happy flower." For sufficiently long-term use it can also help normalize blood pressure. Geranium oil comes
from the geranium plant, which is an aromatic flowering plant. In most cases, oil is extracted from the leaves and
stems, although many supplement companies will use the flower as well so that the pleasant smell is included.
Geranium oil extracts are often used in spas, beauty salons and with health practioners and massage therapists.
A recent study found that those test subjects with the highest blood levels of vitamin B6 reduced lung cancer risk
by 56 percent. Vitamin B6 is involved in a variety of metabolic functions, including the production of red blood cells
and immune system cells. It helps control blood levels of the potentially dangerous amino acid, homocysteine,
which is associated with heart disease. B6 also helps the body manufacture several neurotransmitters and
hormones that regulate mood and cognition.
Thank You
Sherry Copley
Director, Voyager Health Technologies
More Info
Email Address:
V 3 by Voyager Health Technologies Your site for more info, ordering of product, and business aspects
Weight Loss Product Page
Information on weight loss in relation

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