Sunday 23 October 2011

Ingredients In V 3 Diet Pill

WE HAVE FOUND AN AMAZING NEW DIET PILL, V 3 by Voyager Health Technologies
Help with Dieting
This country is in desperate need of our new all-natural diet pill V3. Everyone of us seems to desperately need
HELP sticking with a diet, no matter which diet we choose to be on - Weight Watchers, low carb, low fat, South
Beach, Jenny Craig, Atkins, Nutrisystems, etc. We all have the desire to lose weight, be more in control of what we
choose to eat, stop our cravings, feel happy, and have more energy, right? We are told by all health professionals
to "Eat Less... Move More!" To do this, and to lose weight, we bottom-line need HELP - now! Introducing V3 -
Voyager Health Technologies premier product! V3 is the perfect little pill that - the perfect tool - to make those
important life-style changes easily. V3 is an all-natural diet pill that addresses three important things that put you in
total control with your MOOD, ENERGY & APPETITE! You will feel happy, energized and in control for the first
time in years when taking V3, the ultimate secret weapon with weight control. A simple and fun solution to a major
challenge facing most Americans today. Eating less and moving more, along with portion control and smart food
choices is now easy with V3. You finally have help to achieve your weight loss goals.
There has been a huge void in the market place for the past eight years where there has not been a simple diet pill
that worked. The formulation of V3 is a safe and effective tool to assist you with weight loss and lifestyle changes,
without the usual jiitteriness associated with diet pills of the past. Timing is perfect.
Dieters Dilemma
V3 addresses the common dieters dilemma, the diet saboteurs, which are mood, energy and appetite. With V3, you
have a better way to lose weight and assist with making lifestyle changes. The guidelines from health
professionals, "eat less - move more" is finally possible with the help of V3. Whatever you are currently trying to do
to lose weight, V3 will help you achieve your fitness goals. V3 makes whatever you are doing more feasible and
possible to achieve. You no longer will feel out of control, grumpy or fatigued.
V3 Brightens the Mood V3 Boosts the Energy V3 Completely Slams the Appetite
Breakthrough Formula
Years of research from an amazing scientific team have produced this breakthrough formula that raises the bar on
weight management. Simply put, V3 works by combining the synergistic effects of V3's proprietary blend of
Vitamins, Minerals, Cocoa, natural Caffeine and Phenylethylamine, among other incredible ingredients. One or two
capsules should dial up your energy, and dial down your hunger switch!
Incredible Blend of Natural Compounds Vitamins, Minerals, Kelp, Coral, Oil of Geranium, Dark Cocoa Powder, and More Proprietary V3 Blend No More Dieters Grumpiness No More Sluggishness No More Hunger Pangs No More Cravings You Eat Less and Want to Move More V3 Gives You More Energy and Focus V3 Brightens Your Mood V3 Gives You Control Over Food V3 Helps to Increase Metabolism V3 is Safe, Fast and Effective No Jitters or Nervousness No Adverse Side Effects No Prescription Required See Label Below for Ingredients
Drinking water may be the most important piece to the weight loss puzzle. Water contains no calories, fat, or cholesterol and is low in sodium. It is nature's appetite suppressant, and it helps the body to metabolize fat.
Current research shows that low water intakes yield an increase in fat deposits. Conversely, high water intake
reduces the amount of fat deposits. Without enough water, the kidneys cannot function properly. As a result,
some of their workload is pushed off onto the liver, in turn preventing the liver from operating at peak levels. How
does all this tie into weight loss? Because metabolizing fat is a primary function of the liver, and because the liver
can't function at peak levels when taking on the added workload from the kidneys, less body fat is metabolized and
more is stored. This leads to either weight gain or reaching a plateau of weight loss. To increase your ability to
metabolize fat and lose weight, you should drink plenty of clean water to improve your kidney and liver functions.
Double-up should be your goal.
Kelp is a type of green seaweed that is called a "miracle plant" by some health advocates. This is because it is full
of natural occuring health benefits that make it a great food to add to any diet. Kelp is known to give the body
boosts of energy. This is because it helps to increase the metabolic processes in the body. Kelp is seen to
help reduce inflammation in joints and bones. This helps to especially alleviate pain in people suffering from
arthritis. Kelp is high in natural iodine. This helps to promote a healthy thyroid. Kelp contains lignans, which are
phytochemicals found in sea vegetables. Kelp is high in magnesium. This helps to promote better sleep in women
who are going through menopause. Kelp is one of nature's best natural healers that when consistently taken,
assists in the achievement of optimum health. Kelp is key to V3. In the development of V3, the amount of kelp
included in the formula was increased, positioning V3 at optimum effectiveness.
Dark, rich cocoa powder derives its health benefits from flavonoids which are plant pigments capable of acting as
antioxidants to counteract some of the cellular damage that can lead to many chronic diseases. Cocoa powder has
also been shown to help lower blood pressure and improve blood flow in humans. A cup of cocoa has almost three
times the antioxidants of a cup of green tea, another drink renowned for its health benefits. Have you ever
wondered why chocolate has an uplifting effect on mood? This is very likely due to its content of phenylethylamine
which has a mood elevating effect. This is very positive for those who are depressed, and struggle with focus.
Black cocoa powder combined with other synergistic compounds, helps with mood, energy and appetite. All
positive helps to assist you with sticking to a weight loss strategy and program of your choosing.
Many people become concerned and often confused when they hear about herbal-type products containing
caffeine. They are used to hearing how caffeine is bad for their health, and the caffeine they're usually talking
about is in fact unhealthy for them.
The caffeine in coffee and pharmaceutical drugs can be unhealthy, and addictive. However, the caffeine
naturally.contained in a number of herbs such as Yerba Mate, Guarana, Kola Nut, and Green Tea, to name a few,
is naturally occurring caffeine, also known as "bio-caffeine" and is non-addictive.
NOTE: 'bio' means "alive" or "living."
The caffeine doing the major damage today due to being insalubrious, is the caffeine produced by man
(pharmaceutical industry), the caffeine actually found in many drugs. This caffeine is synthetic and thus harmful,
and is addictive.
Many studies have shown that people who have regular doses of natural caffeine are 80% less likely to develop
Parkinson's. Other research has shown that natural caffeine can reduce the risk of colon and liver cancer by some
25%, slash the risk of skin cancer by some 40%, drop the risk of liver cirrhosis by 22%, and lower the risk of
gallstones by nearly half.
There's also some evidence that natural caffeine can help manage asthma and even control attacks when
medication is unavailable, stop a headache, boost mood, and even prevent cavities. And of course, natural
caffeine is widely used for its stimulating and alertness properties, as well as its ability to enhance athletic
Geranium essential oil has been used effectively to fight coughs, colds, acne, rashes, dandruff and cracked skin -
externally and internally. Geranium oil is also seen to be effective in a variety of gynecological diseases. It helps
regulate the exchange of fluids and blood circulation, reduces depression and anxiety states. It's often referred to
as the "happy flower." For sufficiently long-term use it can also help normalize blood pressure. Geranium oil comes
from the geranium plant, which is an aromatic flowering plant. In most cases, oil is extracted from the leaves and
stems, although many supplement companies will use the flower as well so that the pleasant smell is included.
Geranium oil extracts are often used in spas, beauty salons and with health practioners and massage therapists.
A recent study found that those test subjects with the highest blood levels of vitamin B6 reduced lung cancer risk
by 56 percent. Vitamin B6 is involved in a variety of metabolic functions, including the production of red blood cells
and immune system cells. It helps control blood levels of the potentially dangerous amino acid, homocysteine,
which is associated with heart disease. B6 also helps the body manufacture several neurotransmitters and
hormones that regulate mood and cognition.
Thank You
Sherry Copley
Director, Voyager Health Technologies
More Info
Email Address:
V 3 by Voyager Health Technologies Your site for more info, ordering of product, and business aspects
Weight Loss Product Page
Information on weight loss in relation

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Let Me Help You Shrink Your Fat Cells With V 3

Ever since I started using, and selling the V 3 diet pill, I have been asked this particular question.

“When I stop taking V 3 V3BottleSINGLE_LRG will I gain my weight back?”        Answer:  “YES”

Oh, I truly understand that this was not the answer that you were expecting.

Every time a new diet, diet pill, etc. comes out… we ask this question again, and again the answer is “yes.” OUCH! That is not fair!

What do you mean, that I will gain my weight/fat back?

No matter which diet: pills, drops, shakes, etc. Once you quit, you will gain that fat back—and pretty quickly I might add… if you do not change you diet and activity level.

You see, fat cells are like balloons. Before we start a diet, they are filled up. So we begin yet, another diet in hopes that this is the one that will make us skinny. And we are motivated, taking the diet pill, feeling good, losing weight, losing inches. Then when we stop….BIG MAMA AGAIN. This is because we didn’t change, we went back to our old lifestyle of eating a Big Macs, sipping on a high fat lattes, and spending way too much time on our rear, in our comfy recliner!

So what is happening now? Well those fat cells “those balloons”, well they start to fill back up. Because we can never completely get rid of those fat cells. We can shrink them, but it is up to your diet and activity level if you can keep them shrunken.

Fat cells are called Adipocytes.

No matter how much physical activity you do, adipocytes never shrink so much that they disappear entirely. Like a balloon that you let all the air out of, you’re always left with some remnant. The only way to totally remove adipocytes from your body is with a surgical procedure such as liposuction or excision. But even with these procedures, if you go back to eating excess fat, you’ll put all the fat back on.

The physical activity recommendation for improving health

is to accumulate 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most, if not all, days of the week.

2 Types of Fat that we accumulate:

Subcutaneous Fat

Visceral Fat

Visceral Fat:  is buried beneath the muscles. ***Visceral fat is the more worrisome variety because it surrounds vital organs and is metabolized by the liver, which turns it into blood cholesterol.
A major health concern in Postmenopausal Women
Following menopause, many women experience a natural increase in obesity, particularly around their intra-abdominal area, which refers to fat that stored in and around the internal organs.
Subcutaneous Fat, a noticeable layer of fat that lies just below the skin. This is the fat that is noticeable to the naked eye. This is the fat that we as a society are worried about, because we want to look good. The visceral fat, is the most important of the two, for health related issues.

Visceral fat can go largely unnoticed because it’s not visible to the naked eye. In fact, the only effective way researchers can locate visceral fat is by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which uses magnetic waves to take a picture of the inside of the abdomen. Researchers can use this picture to estimate the amount of visceral fat a person is carrying.
What Causes Visceral Fat?
Your genetic makeup is between 30% and 60% responsible for the amount of visceral fat you carry. Nevertheless, research shows that both your diet and your level of physical activity contribute to your level of visceral fat. People who consume large amounts of saturated fat and people who perform little or no physical activity are likely to have high stores of visceral fat.
Short of talking a physician into performing an MRI on your abdomen, how do you know how much of this unhealthy fat you have? Check your waistline. A trim waistline is a good indicator that you don’t have a large buildup of visceral fat.
Identifying women with visceral fat
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) have set the following cutoff points to identify women who are at high risk of developing obesity-related diseases:

********Women with Waist Circumference Greater than 88 centimeters (35 inches)
If your measurements fall above these cutoff points, there is a good chance that you are carrying a dangerous amount of visceral fat. Even if your waist circumference does not exceed the cutoff value, making an effort to reduce your waistline can still significantly improve your health.

Getting Rid of Visceral Fat and

How V 3 by Voyager Health Can Help You   

Research shows that people whose diets contain polyunsaturated fats in place of saturated fats have less visceral fat.
Polyunsaturated fats are found in high concentrations in sunflower, corn, and soybean oils, as well as in fish. Also, just exercising moderately—doing things such as walking, swimming, or playing tennis—on most days of the week will help you prevent visceral fat from accumulating. What’s even better is that doing regular bouts of vigorous exercise can markedly reduce the amount of visceral fat you already have.
Building muscle—through weight lifting or other resistance exercises—will help, too. Muscle burns calories and helps you maintain your metabolic rate. The more muscle you have, the bigger your body’s engine, and the more likely you will be to burn fat.

This is wonderful to do in a perfect world – but how often, do you feel like exercising???

Once again, are you strong enough to not give into those cravings???

Do you suffer from depression, and just do not have the motivation or “just don’t care anymore attitude”

The bottom line to losing weight and fat is that you must burn more calories than you consume. If you eat 2,000 calories a day and only burn 1,500, you’re going to gain weight. On the other hand, if you consume 1,500 calories and burn 2,000, you’ll be in caloric deficit by 500 calories. Since it takes 3,500 excess calories to gain a pound, you’d lose one pound per week if you produced a 500-calorie deficit each day of the week. To do that, you could reduce your calorie intake by 250 per day and increase your physical activity by 250 calories per day (for a 150-pound person, a 2.5-mile walk is all it would take). Do that each and every day of the week and you’ll drop a pound per week.

Here is what V 3 can do to help you

The V 3 Diet Supplement, just came to the public this year, 2011.

V 3 addresses those issues listed above

****Energy ****

(good motivational energy WITHOUT JITTERS)—

**************How many can claim that about their product?***********

****Appetite Suppressant****

Everyone is different, but for myself… this helps suppress my appetite for about 8 hours.

***This really helps when you have those urges to surrender to those fattening-- visceral fat foods**

****Mood Enhancement****

Ok, this is the part my husband loves…lol. He thinks I need all the mood enhancement that I can get.
**This is the part that helps with depression**

***It makes that “I don’t feel like it” attitude go away, and replacing it with the “Let’s do this” and “Yes, I really feel like doing that.”**

Actually, I already know that if for some reason, I quit losing weight, I will STAY on this product just because it has personally changed my life in relation to my depression

So V3 by Voyager Health Technologies helps eliminate all of those “Dieters Dilemmas” or “Road Blocks” that keep us from getting healthier.
I am in love with this diet pill, also referred to by many as the


V 3 Commercial

If you want more information on this all natural diet pill, that addresses all the issues listed above, there are several ways to contact me

ORDER V 3 NOW                                                                                                                   



Presently Interviewing for Distributors in the United States Only

Thank you & Have a Blessed Day
very small face pic
Sherry Copley
Director VHT
Email me :


Thursday 20 October 2011

Why Is V 3 Diet Pill So Successful

What Makes V 3 Different From All The Other Diet Pills That I Have Tried?

  • MOOD
Ok, Let's pick each one of these apart and answers these questions for yourself

Mood: When was the last time you to wanted to clean your home?

After a long day at work, do you flop into the recliner?

It's the weekend, do you feel like being involved with your
kids and family?

Do you suffer from depression?

Do you feel alot older than what you actually are?

If you aren't working presently, how many days ,through
the week do you actually get out of your pajamas?

Well I related to all the above. I have severe depression, and although I have grown up with the fear of God, there were times where I didn't even feel like waking up. I do take antidepressants, but they haven't done their job in a long time, obviously. Well, as soon as I took the V 3, I was nervous about it making me jittery.
Well about 40 min. give or take a few, I felt really good. And I felt good all day long.

WOW! That is the way I felt. I did feel wonderful and I hadn't felt that way in a very long time. So I research it more. I knew it said that mood would be enhanced, but I didn't realize it would effect me like it did. Oh, and I am glad it did. Not only the mood, but I was able to concentrate and stay on task better... woo hoo

So after reading more about the product, and here is one piece to the puzzle.. regarding my happy mood. This is why V 3 is called the "happy skinny pill."

* Geranium Oil: It helps regulate the exchange of fluids and blood circulation, reduces depression and anxiety states.

* JET BLACK COCAO POWDER: Have you ever wondered why chocolate has an uplifting effect on mood?

This is very likely due to its content of phenylethylamine which has a mood elevating effect. This is very positive for those who are depressed, and struggle with focus.

Black cocoa powder combined with other synergistic compounds, helps with mood, energy and appetite. All positive helps to assist you with sticking to a weight loss strategy and program of your choosing.

Natural Caffeine:

There's also some evidence that natural caffeine can help manage asthma and even control attacks when medication is unavailable, stop a headache, boost mood, and even prevent cavities. And of course, natural caffeine is widely used for its stimulating and alertness properties, as well as its ability to enhance athletic performance.
*Phenylethylamine HCL
Helps produce hormones that create positive feelings, and shows to change levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine. This change affects several areas of the brain and the
hormones released. These released hormones help elevate mood and balance blood pressure.
Vitamin B6: B6 also helps the body manufacture several neurotransmitters and hormones that regulate mood and cognition.
OK, So I figured out from the information listed above.. the why!
That is why I felt so uplifted. That is why I felt more focused. Usually when I clean the house, I jump from one room to the next. I do clean all day, yet nothing would be actually accomplished. So this truly amazed me.. so do I still take this. Of course I do. I do not care if I ever lose another pound. I never want to go without this!
Now we will go over my experience with the energy portion of this diet pill. I felt so energized. What I call a "motivational energy." Nothing extreme, No jitters, No heart palpatations, No sleepless nights! Just a wonderful happy content energy. A "feel my age energy." This was the part of the pill , I was very worried about. I have had 4 TIA'S, (mini-strokes), and with anxiety.. I was very worried if this might throw me into a panic attack.
I just felt perfect. I had energy, I was more patience with my kids, and the kids noticed my change in attitude and energy . Actually my 16 yr old son, said I sure hope you still have a sample, so you can take it again tomorrow..

WOW! They could tell how wonderful I felt. The next day when he came home, I already had his room clean. Yep, I felt like cleaning his room. If you have ever had a 16 yr old, you know those rooms can become a dangerous territory very quickly. So read below to find out another piece of the V 3 puzzle.
KELP: Kelp is known to give the body boosts of energy. This is because it helps to increase the metabolic processes in the body. Kelp is seen to help reduce inflammation in joints and bones. This helps to especially alleviate pain in people suffering from arthritis
Many people become concerned and often confused when they hear about herbal-type products containing caffeine. They are used to hearing how caffeine is bad for their health, and the caffeine they’re usually talking about is in fact unhealthy for them.
The caffeine in coffee and pharmaceutical drugs can be unhealthy, and addictive. However, the caffeine naturally contained in a number of herbs such as Yerba Mate, Guarana, Kola Nut, and Green Tea, to name a few, is naturally occurring caffeine, also known as "bio-caffeine" and is non-addictive.
NOTE: 'bio' means "alive" or "living."
The caffeine doing the major damage today due to being insalubrious, is the caffeine produced by man (pharmaceutical industry), the caffeine actually found in many drugs. This caffeine is synthetic and thus harmful, and is addictive.

Many studies have shown that people who have regular doses of natural caffeine are 80% less likely to develop Parkinson’s. Other research has shown that natural caffeine can reduce the risk of colon and liver cancer by some 25%, slash the risk of skin cancer by some 40%, drop the risk of liver cirrhosis by 22%, and lower the risk of gallstones by nearly half.
There's also some evidence that natural caffeine can help manage asthma and even control attacks when medication is unavailable, stop a headache, boost mood, and even prevent cavities. And of course, natural caffeine is widely used for its stimulating and alertness properties, as well as its ability to enhance athletic performance
Ok, well #1 that is why I didn't have jitters. It is natural caffeine.
#2 this caffeine, still allowed me to have the energy that I needed. And all natural. I have been researching energy drinks, energy shots, etc. And they have so many things that I wouldn't want to put into my body. * If you get a chance read my blog post on taurine. Many energy products have this an and independent study was done at a university showing how it can cause it to have a sedative type effect.
Now, for the moment you have been waiting for. The weightloss part of this V 3 happy skinny pill. Well I love it. It has a weight loss suppressant, fat burner
*Stearic Acid
Designed to help raise your metabolism and create a thermogenic response which helps burn fat, and does not seem to increase cholesterol levels in the blood, because liver enzymes convert it to an unsaturated fat during digestion

Dimethylpentylamine (constituent from Geranium Flower)
Used for weight loss and bodybuilding, and has shown to be the strongest weight tool that you can buy without needing a prescription. It helps you lose the weight and keep it off, and results in increased energy levels over a sustained period of time. It not only increases metabolism and reduces appetite, but it also boosts your body’s energy and suppresses appetite
Dieters Dilema
V3 addresses the common dieters dilema, the diet saboteurs, which are mood, energy and appetite. With V3, you have a better way to lose weight and assist with making lifestyle changes. The guidelines from health professionals, "eat less - move more" is finally possible with the help of V3. Whatever you are currently trying to do to lose weight, V3 will help you achieve your fitness goals. V3 makes whatever you are doing more feasible and possible to achieve. You no longer will feel out of control, grumpy or fatigued.
V3 Brightens the Mood
V3 Boosts the Energy
V3 Completely Slams the Appetite
So what are you waiting for, this is definately worth a shot!
You will be happy that you were able to find this piece to a happy health lifestyle. I love it, and that is why I am so passionate about V 3. It is truly changing lives!
God Bless,
Sherry Copley
Director Voyager Health Technologies
My Personal Email for more info
God Bless You & Yours!

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Monday 17 October 2011

Introducing 2011 New Diet Pill - V 3



The “Why” about V 3

“Why This?" is answered when you realize 37% of the population is obese (and growing rapidly), grumpy or depressed (or both), tired and struggling with this sad economy. You feel out of control, and in need of a cash infusion big time. I have a solution to all of those ills, and more. I have the "happy skinny pill" that everyone wanted, like yesterday! They just don't know about it ... yet.

"Why Now?" Nearly 8 years with a huge void in the natural diet pill market where nothing was available to assist a person with sticking to their chosen diet. A void that used to do $2 billion a year! That's BILLION with a "B"!!! Obesity, depression, fatigue, economy ... all fixed with V3 and Voyager Health Technologies.

"Why Me?" & “What does it mean to me?”

Well maybe you need to lose weight, or know someone that does. Maybe you feel very tired and cannot get motivated to do your regular daily tasks, and that doesn’t include exercise.. Due to the fact, that you feel so drained, that exercise is out of the question. Trust me I know all about it. I have suffered from depression for many years. For the first time in years, and I am speaking from my heart, have I felt like even getting dressed in real clothing. You could find me day in and day out in my gown. I am 36 yrs old, and should feel my age, not older. Well I started the V 3 and fell in love with it. I now cannot imagine myself without it.

On the other hand, maybe you have been searching for the “right opportunity.” I have been there as well. Actually, I cannot count how many schemes, that I have fallen victim to. I have done everything coming and going, except for chain letters.. And I did at one point consider trying that. LOL. Yes, I am a mom of 3 children. I have always struggled with work, and feeling the need to be at home. I honestly, do not know many women who do not struggle with this.. I was speaking to a girlfriend of mine, just today about work. She and I are so alike when it comes to working outside the home. Keep in mind that I am a nurse in Kentucky, and did make a good income, but that comes with a heavy price tag to me, in regards to being a stay at home mom. My girlfriend and I were joking around saying, “I really think that I am suppose to be wealthy, and not Well I am not at the wealthy level, but I have been selling the V 3 diet pills for 2.5 months and am earning a little more than half per month as I was with being a nurse. Keep in mind, childcare was costing me $400 month/ 100.00 per week. So I am not out that money now. Also, my gas for my vehicle has decreased. My food budget has decreased- first of all, I am cooking more at home. Therefore a decrease in eating out. With the V 3 weight loss supplement , the appetite suppressant has me eating less = cheaper grocery list.


       I am sold out on this product. It is called V 3 by voyager health, also known as the happy skinny pill!

       If you would like more information you can visit the following sites.

       Site 1

       Site 2

       If you would like to try this new diet pill or would like to become part of my team visit below

       I want to try it and may become part of your team


      Thank You,

      Sherry Copley, Director Voyager Health






Sunday 16 October 2011

Taurine Verses V 3 - In regards to energy

Taurine in energy drinks researched to have sedative effect on brain
Now Please Do The Comparison For Yourself ( Taurine vs V 3)
Cornell University - Cornell Chronicle                                                                                             
Feb. 13, 2008
Scientists close in on taurine's activity in the brain
(Red Bull drinkers, take note)
Taurine is one of the most plentiful amino acids in the human brain, but neuroscientists are still puzzled by just how brain cells put it to use. Now, a team of researchers at Weill Cornell Medical College (WCMC) has uncovered a prime site of activity for the molecule, bringing them closer to solving that mystery.
"We have discovered that taurine is a strong activator of what are known as GABA [gamma-aminobutyric acid] receptors in a regulatory area of the brain called the thalamus," said study senior author Neil L. Harrison, professor of pharmacology and pharmacology in anesthesiology at WCMC. "We had discovered these receptors two years ago and showed that they interact with the neurotransmitter GABA -- the brain's key inhibitory transmitter -- that is also involved in brain development. It seems that taurine shares these receptors."
The finding, reported in the January issue of the Journal of Neuroscience , opens the door to better understanding taurine's impact on the brain.
While the amino acid is made naturally by the body, it's also a much-touted ingredient in such so-called "energy drinks" as Red Bull. "Its inclusion in these supplements is a little puzzling, because our research would suggest ... [that] taurine actually would have more of a sedative effect on the brain," Harrison said.
The prime focus of the study, however, was to find a site for the neurological activity of taurine.
"Scientists have long questioned whether taurine might act on an as-yet-undiscovered receptor of its own," said lead researcher Fan Jia, postdoctoral scientist in anesthesiology. "But after some recent work in our lab, we ended up zeroing in on this population of GABA receptors in the thalamus."
The thalamus, located deep in the brain's center, is involved in what neuroscientists call "behavioral state control," helping to regulate transitions between sleep and wakefulness, for example.
"It's like a railway junction, controlling information traffic between the brainstem, the senses and the executive functions in the cortex," Harrison said. The researchers exposed thin slices of thalamic tissue from the brains of mice to concentrations of taurine that were similar to what might be found in the human brain.
"We found that taurine is extraordinarily active on this population of GABA receptors in the thalamus," Harrison said. "It came as a bit of a surprise that the same receptor was used by both taurine and GABA. Nevertheless, finding taurine's receptor has been like discovering the 'missing link' in taurine biology."
Now, Harrison's group is trying to determine what taurine actually does in the brain; Harrison said that because GABA is important for forging new cell-to-cell connections in the developing brain, "and because taurine shares a receptor with GABA, it, too, may play a role in neurological development."
As for energy drinks, "Remarkably little is known about the effects of energy drinks on the brain," Harrison said. "Assuming that some of [taurine] does get absorbed, the taurine ... may actually play a role in the crash people often report after drinking these highly caffeinated beverages."
The work was funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Co-researchers include Minerva Yue, Angelo Keramidas and Peter A. Goldstein of WCMC as well as Dev Chandra and Gregg E. Homanics of the University of Pittsburgh.
** The above content provided at

So if you are looking for that extra "pep in your step." There is a new product on the rise, V 3 by Voyager Health. It's key functions include : Appetite suppression, energy from cocoa powder without the jitters or crash, and mood enhancer.

V 3 is the new product for 2011. It comes in pill form, but can only be purchased by a distributor. It has several key ingredients including: Kelp, Caffiene from cocoa (known as natural caffiene) along with trace minerals.

See below for all ingredients in V 3. V 3 is also referred to as the "happy skinny pill."
* DSHA approved


Independent Google Search

*Cocoa powder from the jet black cocoa bean

Cocoa powder helps give an extra boost of energy without the crash. Cocoa slows down oxidation of LDL Cholesterol and is high in anti-oxidant power

*Kelp – From Atlantic – Whole Plant

Kelp contains the highest concentration of iodine of any pure plant food on earth. Iodine is essential for the proper metabolism of fats and has many other health benefits. Iodine is essential to your body as it helps the thyroid properly function to control growth, energy and metabolism in your body, plus it can help regulate your body temperature. Kelp is beneficial to the pancreas and the prostrate. It also builds cell membranes, helps the digestive system, can help prevent the growth of tumors, can help cleanse the body of radiation, and normalize glands and hormones.

*Coral (mineral powder)

Calcium sustains our life - holds our health and is ideal for raising your ph – containing 73 other minerals in a unique, highly bio-available organic form.

*Dimethylpentylamine (constituent from Geranium Flower)

Used for weight loss and bodybuilding, and has shown to be the strongest weight tool that you can buy without needing a prescription. It helps you lose the weight and keep it off, and results in increased energy levels over a sustained period of time. It not only increases metabolism and reduces appetite, but it also boosts your body’s energy and suppresses appetite.

*Phenylethylamine HCL

Helps produce hormones that create positive feelings, and shows to change levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine. This change affects several areas of the brain and the

hormones released. These released hormones help elevate mood and balance blood pressure.

*Trace Mineral Complex

Since metabolism is synonymous with enzyme activity, and enzyme activity is dependent on the presence of trace elements, this complex helps boost metabolism function.

*Natural Caffeine – 90mg

Caffeine is a naturally occurring substance in Cocoa.


Effective weapon for managing blood sugar. This unique trace mineral helps lower blood sugar by helping to improve the cells’ sensitivity to insulin.


Aids in the smooth working of the intestinal tract.

*Magnesium Stearate

This is a natural lubricant used to maintain the compound consistency which keeps the combined nutrients from sticking together.


Aids in the elimination of stools from the rectum.

*Stearic Acid

Designed to help raise your metabolism and create a thermogenic response which helps burn fat, and does not seem to increase cholesterol levels in the blood, because liver enzymes convert it to an unsaturated fat during digestion

For more information you can write:
Sherry Copley, Director Voyager Health
or visit V 3 by Voyager Health
You may also add this additional page for reference : Reference page # 1
Reference page # 2

Thursday 13 October 2011





What is it?

One of the most abundant amino acids in your brain, where it can act as a neurotransmitter—a chemical messenger that allows your cells to communicate with one another. You'll find anywhere from 20 mg to 2,000 mg of taurine in most 16-ounce energy drinks, including Amp Energy..., Red Bull, and 5-Hour Energy.

Does it work? Scientists aren't sure, but it doesn't seem likely. When taurine is dumped into your bloodstream—when you down a Red Bull, for instance—it can't pass through the membranes that protect your brain, says Neil Harrison, Ph.D., a professor of pharmacology at Weill Cornell Medical College. But even if it could, Harrison's research suggests that taurine might behave more like a sedative than a stimulant.


When he and his team applied the amino acid to the brain tissue of rodents, they discovered that it mimicked a neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA, a chemical that slows brain activity.

Is it safe? Taurine is probably fine in small doses, but chug too many energy drinks and the picture becomes less clear. According to a recent case report from St. Joseph's Hospital in Phoenix, Arizona, three people had seizures after drinking approximately two 24-ounce energy drinks in a short period of time. However, the researchers don't know whether to blame the taurine or the caffeine, or what role preexisting health conditions may have played.

The fact is, there's been little research on taurine consumption in humans, so it's impossible to conclude whether it's safe to consume in high doses. Of course, there's no strong evidence to support its role as an energy booster, either 








V3 Brightens the Mood

V3 Boosts the Energy

V3 Completely Slams the Appetite



  • Incredible Blend of Natural Compounds
  • Vitamins, Minerals, Kelp, Coral, Oil of Geranium, 
  • Dark Cocoa Powder, and More
  • Proprietary V3 Blend
  • No More Dieters Grumpiness
  • No More Sluggishness
  • No More Hunger Pangs
  • No More Cravings
  • You Eat Less and Want to Move More
  • V3 Gives You More Energy and Focus
  • V3 Brightens Your Mood
  • V3 Gives You Control Over Food
  • V3 Helps to Increase Metabolism
  • V3 is Safe, Fast and Effective
  • No Jitters or Nervousness
  • No Adverse Side Effects
  • No Prescription Required
  • See Label Below for Ingredients                                                                       








Help with Dieting

This country is in deperate need of our new all-natural diet pill V3. Everyone of us seems to desperately need HELP sticking with a diet, no matter which diet we choose to be on - Weight Watchers, low carb, low fat, South Beach, Jenny Craig, Atkins, Nutrisystems, etc.


We all have the desire to lose weight, be more in control of what we choose to eat, stop our cravings, feel happy, and have more energy, right? We are told by all health professionals to "Eat Less ... Move More!"

To do this, and to lose weight, we bottom-line need HELP - now! Introducing V3 - Voyager Health Technologies premier product!


V3 is the perfect little pill that - the perfect tool - to make those important life-style changes easily.

V3 is an all-natural diet pill that addresses three important things that put you in total control with your MOOD, ENERGY & APPETITE!


You will feel happy, energized and in control for the first time in years when taking V3, the ultimate secret weapon with weight control.

A simple and fun solution to a major challenge facing most Americans today. Eating less and moving more, along with portion control and smart food choices is now easy with V3. You finally have help to achieve your weight loss goals.



There has been a huge void in the market place for the past eight years where there has not been a simple diet pill that worked. The formulation of V3 is a safe and effective tool to assist you with weight loss and lifestyle changes, without the usual jitteriness associated with diet pills of the past. Timing is perfect.



Dieters Dilemma

V3 addresses the common dieters dilemma, the diet saboteurs, which are mood, energy and appetite. With V3, you have a better way to lose weight and assist with making lifestyle changes. The guidelines from health professionals, "eat less - move more" is finally possible with the help of V3. Whatever you are currently trying to do to lose weight, V3 will help you achieve your fitness goals. V3 makes whatever you are doing more feasible and possible to achieve. You no longer will feel out of control, grumpy or fatigued.